
This resource is a great collection of reviewed and reliable jobs for parents in need of a side hustle. It can be hard to know if a side hustle is worth the effort or wether it will ultimately be profitable. SideHusl reviews and rates potential jobs so that parents will know what they are getting into before investing time and money into opportunities. Edited by award winning journalist Kathy Kristof, SideHusl was founded with the goal of providing reliable and accurate reviews of posted gigs and jobs. The SideHustl website is broken down into three categories, work, rent, and sell. Depending on what you wish to do the website will take you to listings of potential opportunities for additional income in each category. Users praise the website for thoroughly researching each posted opportunity. They also praise the website for being easy to use and navigate. If you are looking for full time employment this website is not a good resource; however, if you are just looking for a part time gig, or ways to sell or rent property, this is a great place to start.

Grades: N/A it serves the parents

Cost: SideHusl does not cost anything to use or join.


Key features

Type of Tool: Website

Time required: Parents can use this resource to find additional side jobs that work with their own schedule.

Special Needs:

Literacy Requirement (does a child need to know how to read):


Screens:  Screens required

Online requirement:


Parent/Caregiver Involvement: n/a

Prep Time:  n/a

Other characteristics


Adaptive: N/A

Educational Philosophy: N/A

Other characteristics:   N/A


Assessment: N/A

State Standards: N/A

Teacher Accounts:

Read Reviews:

GET Sidehusl Volunteers is a partnership run by 300+ volunteers and 80+ organizations pooling resources to provide a unified response to the current crisis and its impact on families. The hotline is staffed by volunteers with expertise in education and social services.

Vincent's Starry Night and Other Stories


Facebook game schooling group